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Drive the Innovations with us
Drive the Innovations with us

Drive the Innovations with us

Join the Innovations Hub team

Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 3

There are plenty of reasons to join us...

... a better way to networking you won't find,

you will meet young, ambitious people from all over Poland

you will build business relationships with company representatives

and who knows - you may also meet your future business partner


... you will gain not only knowledge, but also unique experience required on your resume and

you will have opportunities to participate in workshops and courses

you will have opportunities to participate in grant projects, trade shows and conferences

this is a great start to begin building your resume and work experience

... you will have the opportunity to develop your own ideas and change the world of innovations

you will be able to develop your own ideas and those of others, which we hope will change the innovations market not only in Poland but also in the World

you will help us develop our current and future projects

Drive the Innovations with us

you decide which project you will get involved in

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Akademia Przyszłości
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Academy Logo Dark
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Akademia Młodego Innowatora Logo Dark
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We bet on the young:

get to know our mission

At the Innovations Hub Foundation, we focus on interdisciplinarity. We believe that by combining different backgrounds we are able to efficiently change the world. Our activities are centered around young people - we believe that it is their minds that are unlimited by the framework of the world, and are full of extraordinary, often also groundbreaking ideas. We strive to learn about their needs in order to then provide them with quality support. It is thanks to us that the winding path to success becomes a highway!

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Our idea, check it out

Innovations Hub is all about people

Meet us!

You don't have to take our word for it!

Listen to the people who work in the foundation on a daily basis.

Working with such open-minded people motivate me to constantly improve my standards, and also allow me to expand the range of my own competencies.

Norbert Paszyński

Norbert Paszynski

Marketing Director

At Innovations Hub Foundation, I found my safe space for self-development and realization of projects I have always dreamed of.


Daria Żuraw

Director of Science

The Foundation is amazing people who want to help others develop and grow. Something you don't know or can't do? No problem! Someone will definitely help you :)


Tomasz Zachwieja

Chief Financial Officer

This is a great place to develop and learn about the world of innovations, but it's also an organization with great potential to support the startup scene in Poland!


Michal Przybyło

Incubator crew member

When you see how by small steps startups that save lives or health are being created, then you know that it was definitely worth it. And that's why I'm here...


Marta Romańczuk

MedBiz Innovations Program Coordinator

Develop yourself with Innovations Hub

We are currently recruiting for the following positions, but if you can't find anything for you, but would like to join us, please sign up!

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Dział Wizerunku

Kogo dokładnie poszukujemy? Grafików, filmowców, fotografów, animatorów – zarówno do działań Fundacji, jak i realizacji zleceń komercyjnych. Jeśli chcesz poszerzać portfolio, zdobywać doświadczenie lub współtworzyć inspirujące inicjatywy, zgłoś się już dziś!

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Dział Marketingu i PRu

Szukamy osób z pasją do marketingu i PR, które chcą współtworzyć ciekawe projekty zarówno dla Fundacji, jak i w ramach zleceń komercyjnych. Jeśli marzysz o rozwijaniu swoich umiejętności, budowaniu portfolio i pracy przy inspirujących inicjatywach – dołącz do nas!

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Dział Corporate Partnerships

Dołącz do IHF jako Corporate Partnerships Specialist i rozwijaj swoje umiejętności w wyszukiwaniu partnerów biznesowych, tworzeniu strategii komunikacji oraz personalizacji ofert. Pracuj zdalnie w elastycznych godzinach, buduj relacje z liderami rynku, takimi jak AstraZeneca czy InPost, i wspieraj rozwój ekosystemu startupowego w Polsce.

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Become ambassador

Become our ambassador

A program that brings together students from the best polish universities, whose role is to represent the organization in the academic environment. The one-year term will give you knowledge, experience and a better understanding of the technology industry and activities in the field of innovation implementation, incubation and technology transfer. You will receive training opportunities and a certificate from us. As an ambassador, you'll also have a better chance of meeting people from all over the country, getting hired and even get recruited to our team!

Theme 4
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